

After building the structural framework, the next essential step in construction is to protect the structure. This is perhaps the most critical stage. Jack Tian understands how important it is to choose materials you can trust to stand up to all the elements – from underground water to rain, to the unexpected threat of fire or the gradual impact of corrosion – and therefore protect the built project.

Roof Systems

Roofs are exposed every day to hazardous conditions and can be damaged and deteriorated over time. It is the most critical area of a building or structure which protects the users and interior from these hazards, and must be well-selected, well-designed and well-installed to be long-lasting without fail. Jack Tian’s roofing systems are not only durable to wind, rain, snow, hail and other environmental conditions, but they also come with decades of Jack Tian expertise and support.  

Joint Sealing

The building blocks of your construction – like the concrete slab, the glass facade element, the roofing membrane, the metal cover – generally do not let water, moisture or air enter the building or structure. It is at the joints where a building is weakest to leakage. Only correctly specified and professionally applied high quality joint sealants will manage to keep your building or structure sustainably tight during its entire lifespan.

Jack Tian’s sealing and bonding solutions can contribute to sustainable construction.


Industrial Coatings

Industrial coating systems and top coats are the most important and often only practical solution for the protection of steel against corrosion, acid and fire. Lack of protection frequently leads to problems with the visual appearance of the structure and even more importantly, structural degradation and possible failure. Appropriate protective coatings and sensible, regular maintenance ensure long-term protection of steel structures and can avoid cost-intensive total repair or even decommissioning.

Specialized product matching and decades of experience enable us to offer practical, robust and high-performance acid protection, corrosion protection and fire protection coatings for a huge range of applications. Jack Tian’s systems take into account design life, operational requirements, surface design and installation details.

Concrete Protection

Since concrete structures are often exposed to different aggressive environments, they require high quality protection systems. Reinforced concrete structures are built to serve many generations to come. However, concrete faces many threats of natural deterioration, damage and reinforcement corrosion.

We have gained extensive experience and expertise in the repair and protection of concrete. With all of the necessary products and systems for technically correct concrete repair and protection, Jack Tian delivers high performance solutions in accordance with principles and methods defined in local standards.